V.V.Takhteev. Esseyes
on the amphipods of Lake Baikal (systematics, comparative ecology, evolution)
- Irkutsk: Irkutsk State University Press, 2000. 355 pp., paperbound.
In the monography recent system of baikalian amphipods is critically
examined, its revision at a level of families will be carried out. A
few genera of amphipods with a various lifestyle (Pallasea, Acanthogammarus,
Parapattasea, OmmMogammams) are also reconsidered. The special attention
is given to the systematics of a parasitic genus Pachyschesis, with
the description 12 species new for the science; their lifestyle and
parasit-hosts specifity are characterized; general laws, connected with
the transition of crustacean to the parasitism, are considered. The
basic trends of an endemic evolution of the baikalian fauna of amphipods,
evolutionary parallels between amphipods of Baikal and marine basins
are described. The complete list of valid families, genera and species
of baikalian Amphipoda is given.
For the scientists - zoologists, hydrobiologists, baikalogists, experts
in the theory of the evolution, teachers of high schools, students and
post-graduate students.